The Caramel Fritter

Saturday, May 14, 2005


The Dogwood, one of those curiosities. Most people when they see them in flower and glory stop and ask... what is that? They are a tree to take note of when in bloom. Posted by Hello


This image of a Trillium was the impetus for this series. I had wanted to create a series that described in part the nature of the Oceanside area. I battled with myself over what should be included there are grand trees, some of the largest in BC I believe in Cathedral grove, curvaceous medrona, a lovely array of ferns, mosses, sea plants, reeds, and wildflowers.... what do you include? The Trillium, however, with it's stately yet delicate form just called out to be recorded, as it peeked out for it's spring welcome.  Posted by Hello


This print is of some seaweed found on the beach around Qualicum on Vancouver Island, one of the world's truly beautiful spots. It comes from a series of work titled Oceanside after the area that the imagery was captured from.  Posted by Hello